Wednesday, January 31, 2024

6:37AM in the darkness and now manageable warmth, woke up heavy suffocating my feet sheets and had to throw them, feet push them down and off , naked as I was born, I was still warm enough

 My comfort supremely on my mind then as I

Had to let my feet breathe more freely, crushed

As they were, the weight, the heat were suffocating 

Them and I woke up from the heavy covering

And not needing to pee! It was not pressing me,

I smiled for the first time in relief as so often

It is more pressing for me to pee than the pressure

Of too much imbalance covering my nakedness

In bed under blankets and sheets! So these so

Deliciously delightful treats make me happy as

I ponder this upcoming week and what we will

Do to celebrate our upcoming 43 years of being

Married and marking this wondrous occasion

And feat that is remarkable in our love and

Our incredible harmony and friendship and

Living so comfortably working as one and

Yet very much being ourselves while respecting

Each other, saying what we must but not 

Arguing and fighting very often to keep our

Incredible harmony out of harm’s way as so

Often that invisible line is crossed, peaceful

Togetherness then dashed, mashed gone!

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