Friday, April 25, 2008

When Thinking Mires Acting Up / Out

It's a fascinating thing this sitting back, gathering, assessing, going over past events and not so much those still to come. I like thinking over things that have occurred and yet I see the constant need to continue and to plan for those that you can help to make happen in some fashion or another. It's scary. What will your efforts produce ? Are you ready to deal with them ? Will you like them more than you dislike them ? Does it really matter one way or another ? You bet it does.
It matters so much that you act and yet you have to act with a sense of responsibility. That's what I don't see much of anymore in many aspects of life all around us. No one is to blame, no one is responsible, what they did could not have caused this or that, no way! They argue it well, convincingly and adamantly. Their acts were so small and insignificant in the scheme of things that they could not have been what resulted in causing such and such a situation. They should be both flogged and ashamed of such excuses. We're all responsible, everything we do impacts on others even if we do not realize it. People around us notice us and our actions are felt by them in some form or another : hopefully good. But we can't leave everything to chance and unattended.
It's one of my biggest pet peeves that we are rewarded for making and having money at whatever cost. We don't look deeply into it. We don't ponder it, we just see the persons and their money and what material possessions they have. We're happy to be invited out and entertained when someone else is paying and we tend to look the other way and rationalize and say that this one time won't matter/ won't make the difference. It does, it has, it has already shaped they way our culture has permitted many things to go unattended, unnoticed : swept under the carpet until the carpet gets so lumpy that someone inadvertently trip over it and hurts themselves. We end to sweep them under the carpet, too.
Life's grand, don't get me wrong. I'm an optimist and believe in the good of people. I want to see the good, to have it flourish and prosper. But people and their actions do need to be attended to : addressed by them and by us. We have to coexist in harmony and it sure would be nice if we could finally find a way to live in peace. What's all this killing about anyway ? Why are we always fighting physically and killing with guns and knives, arrows and pans ? Why all the violence?
Anyway, I think it's important to act and to reach out and to embrace the unknown, at least to some extent. That's how I hope to lead my life, how I have led it so far. We come up against some situations that are not to our liking but at least we put ourselves out there and made some new contacts with others and new situations/locales, etcetera. It's a rush , a thrill, exhilarating. I love it. I'm sure that it makes us younger, too or at least feel that way.
It's good to think about things just go beyond thinking and act upon whatever. Try new things, let yourself have a bit of suspense and fear. Fear should be harnessed and turned into good actions wherever possible. Don't let it hold you back. Try something for the first time, take that step forward or outside of your normal comfort zone. You may smile broadly, you may discover something truly marvelous that will stand as an example for many days or months, even years later.
You're at the crossroads just like me. Which way will you go, which way will you turn ? Go for it, you've only got your fear to lose until the next time. TONY

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