Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Blogging Fresh Each Morning

It's quite a difference in the morning when you feel refreshed and your brain seems to be working clearly and speedily. Last night I had to ponder, to reflect, to collect more of my wits and my senses together before starting to blog. This morning it's clear and nice outside and I've already been out on my deck and read the Washington Post newspaper in part as well as enjoyed a breakfast. The birds and the chipmunks were all around a few feet away at our birdfeeder and I had already walked around the yard in my long midnight blue St. Johns Bay jammies and white t-shirt. Brazen, bold, not caring who would be watching if anyone. I wanted to survey my modest but MY domaine and see what had poked it's head up out of the ground with all the rain. This year will perhaps be our best year as we have now had ten years here in our house and I have actively gardened each and every year, dividing, transplanting, rearranging, realigning, assessing, studying, imagining the myriad of floral and patterns of shapes and textures, colors and possible successes throughout our whole yard with four sides to work with around our yard. It's daunting! If I did not pull myself back and take a break now and then I think I would go mad.
I love the multitude of colors, I love the combinations of plants. It's like an informal, patchwork or everything type of garden. I buy some things for sure but I trade and acquire as well. I'm interested primarily in perennials and I have spent ten years now trying to discover what will grow and flower where and well? It's no easy task. I get dirty and sweaty and often disoriented and near total breakdown where energies flag and I think I'll just melt off and seep into the ground around my feet with no one noticing. Oh well, it's all-engrossing and I do love that. I do feel a real part of the yard and I do love how I am slowly building a garden to be proud of. It's a full-time job, however, that's my biggest problem / hurdle. Right now I'm going upstairs to change and go outside and collect another two garbage cans of fallen warrior leaves to leave at the curb till the next pick-up. Back-breaking, slow, but it does get me to bend down ( I was sore yesterday because of this ) and look more closely at the ground and what's there. It humbles me and gives me a better sense of my place in this wonderful equation of life all around. I guess I could be spending time figuring how to make another and then another and then another - yes, dollar - but I don't. At least not all the little time I have left on this beautiful earth to interact and be a part of it and all it's shenanigans.
Do you all garden ? Inside, out ? Get dirty ? Sweat, curse, dream, lay down on your back and look around and up at the sky? TONY

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