Thursday, April 24, 2008

Buried In Wine Boxes !

Life is good, I'm creaking along as I've got a sore right kneww cap that decided to get out of sorts with the rest of me sometime two days ago here as I was typing the store wine email. I must have typed or stomped too hard here at my desk as inspiration, irritation, interuption, pause, reflection - as life passed through and around me : sometimes i harmony and other times not so much. What can you do ? I'm addressing the situation, had my body sit down and pause and a bit of conversation between the two of us as we worked to iron out our differences.
I want to be on vacation, again! I'm tired of the grind, the money grind. I'm fed up and had it with the stress. I'm taking it all to task! It will all have to answer to me, you bet! No more kidding around, no more looking the other way. It's time to ennact, react, surge, shine and shuffle - strut, gyrate - generate ... I'm feeling good about things. If I can just get through the next few days I will be all right. Gray's Anatomy, the premier of the t.v. show is on tonight and I get to watch that with my wife and son. His birthday's also on the horizon and he wants more than anything else to be able to text. We'll see. Who knows? That might become his big gift from us his parents.
Life is rich, full, intense with so much happening all the time. I really have to stop and focus and assess and look at my lists, make new ones to stay on some semblance of some track. I've never felt more charged or alive or full of feelings, thoughts, fragments of the above to impart, focus on, flesh-sketch out more. I'm doing a lot of this with words now but I know I will return to my pen, inks and pastels , watercolors soon. I can't wait !
I can't wait for life to happen! I'm so joyed, so enriched by spring and everything starting to happen now at almost full speed! It was slow-starting, things just slightly poked up, they just barely struck through the hardened dirt, they just barely unfurled and revealed their various green/white/delicated yellowed leaf-fleash pearls...
I'm struck still/to my spot by all this rebirth/growth of plants and flowers and trees, bushes. So many birds singing, so much commotion, Nature's symphony of varying emotions. What was once baren and start and brown is nor fleshed out in pastel colors and leafy yellows and greens. It's more than impressive.
I'm focused on my observations of all of this. I'm thrilled to be a spectator and with words, sketches and photos I think I'm just barely scrathching the surfaces of my intensely personal and fulfilling perceptions of all that's happening around little, insignificant, happy-to-be-alive me! It will also be grand to have our daughter back again with us soon. Life is rich.
Hope you enjoyed these strung-long words. Have a great spring warm, clear, breezy fresh day. Oh, by the way, I'm still buried in wine boxes but I'm beginning to see some order now as I get closer to displaying the wealth of glorious wines contained within each and every one of them. Heres' to you all, I raise my glass of white Grenache Spanish Catalan wine - from the CELLER EL MASROIG that I discovered yesterday with winemaker Carles Escobar here last night in the store. It blew me away - tastes like white burgundy. TONY

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