Saturday, May 3, 2008

Listening To Tori Amos' " Cornflake Girl "!

     I'm here at the wine store ... " think you know so much ? " says Tori repeating it over with the piano rolling and thumping/pumping/crying, spilling. , spouting - many whales' energy and intensity just bubbling over at the water's surface ; sort of like with us humans : we need to be expressive! We need to get to the surface as much as possible and share, release, let the air out of our bodies that like balloons fill and fill and fill up with our world's external forces that make us near to burst or spill.... all the while we thirst for more and yearn to get out of our safe-range into adventure and new sensations that we have little or no control over , with even less knowledge of how to deal with the ensuing situation(s). That's what makes it fun is just that! Be brave, brave the elements mental and physical, and let the pieces fly : you may catch some , others will just find a spot. Your paths may cross again, there's a good probability of that.
     Write things down, you'll have trouble recollecting them later if not. The things you want to remember sometimes are those the hardest to remember. That's because you're trying too hard, relax, flow, let things pas over you naturally and try and fully taste, smell, feel, hold, experience them before you release them to go on their natural way. You will grow from the experience, your life will change subtly and soon you will think it changed enormously.
     It's almost the weekend. Time to take a break from the hustle-bustle of selling and down to what's most nourishing to me and thus to my family and everyone that I touch. Have a great weekend.  TONY 

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