Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I Like The Music Of Pink BUT I DO NOT LIKE WALMART & Their Facebook Ads That Want Me To LIKE Them Because They Sell Pink's Music & Other Artist's Music That I LIke / ENOUGH is ENOUGH!

I WROTE THIS a few minutes ago and posted it on the Walmart Facebook page. I keep getting pictures on the right of my screen with pictures of people like Pink and Shakira and others with messages saying that their music is available at Walmart and would I like to like them and the artists?  YES< I would like to LIKE the artists, but DEFINITELY NOT LIKE Walmart.  This is what I posted below.

I like Pink and her music and am always happy to hear her sing, I simply do not like you and your company and am not going to LIKE or shop with you. Become better neighbors and don't always squeeze the last penny or the last breath out of everything that stands in your way or your path to open more stores and put more small businesses out of business and I may change my tune. BUT for the moment I will be glad to hear Pink and all the others sing on the radio and feel better that I am not helping you to grow your vast empire and pretty much demolish everything else that stands in your way. Just my opinion, just what I believe, just what I see, feel and read : I do not claim that these words are shared by others. I am just tired that each time I see a picture here on Facebook with an image of a singer I like that I am asked to LIKE you because I may buy their music at Walmart becasus you sell it.  Anthony Qunn   7/21/13

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