Deliberate, eradication, sublimation, rendering unrecognizable
I am back to seeing the movie Origins, I stray, I wander, I am
Sooooo ME that I may, I might, I must, I move from mire more
I realize that my premise is not only mine, Bob Dylan only re-
Corded a song once, if it did not work that once well that was it!
Move on he would say and practice what he believed. I feel very
Much the same, the ride and hop onto that first fleeting senSAYtion
Is where IT is AT, one chance, so, make it talk, whisper, sing chant!
Otherwise realize you took a shot, the one you took, perhaps not
Your best, but you tried to ride the wind and waves and wonders of
So much unleashed energies inside yourselves to capture your very
Own impressions that impressed so deeply though fleeting on/in/upon
On my chest the beat ticks along, the ribs shelter my thumps
My spine holds me steady and I stroke twelve times my
Awakened dreams to be opened to inspection and suggestions!
The ball for soccer thrust it on the sands of the Copacabana
Pele was practicing the challenges of moving down those
Grains pounded to such tiny granular from years of being
Kicked around in the oceans, they now supported both
His feet and that of his friends playing soccer there as if
Their lives depended on it, and bloody heart pumping it
Surely did and their chances of success such shots crazy
As their feet made contact with the ball and went in such
Powerful shots like flying bullets direct to their concealed
Targets, invisible to most, felt by these young hearts and
Connected by their feet, to move around a soccer ball on
Sand is no small feat! They would practice, the ball some-
Times would stop there right by our feet and we would
Do our parts and it return to sender before there would
By chance unlikely as when driving contact be powerfully
Made, and that collision much the same as driving result
In the undesirable contact and crash of two, a fender- bender!
I was more interested in swimming. In the ocean and with
What’re throw it onto bare backs of s suntanning women to
watch them with surprise, shock and the anger zit up for the
whole world exposed to reveal their bare girls titillate us
All, if only for so,it seconds, our eyes to snap mental
Pictures of such wonderful delights angelic female
Pantry’s usually under cover and us only imagining!
And on this kick of that soccer ball along the white
Sands i bring this youthful true tale t.o an end my friend!
Not my best effort but a piece of the puzzle I am seeing
Once again and dreaming out loud, fully awake tonight
Dripping and here as I lay on my back in my own sweat
Taking. my nightly bath to memories of such richness
I dare not them ever forget, there with me to my last
Breathe, i am fortunate it is not killing me that meth!
I derive my imagination and grow it from Nature ,
No use, no time, no desire to topple with drugs my
Own magical, whimsical, wandering conjurings!
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