Wednesday, January 31, 2024

So high soaring with eagles and vultures,pelicans and cranes, into those blue and white stratospheres of skies and clouds, the. Spiraling down, mose dives for prey, fishin the waters, rabbits and rats on the grounds, from honesty and humble pie to fakery and eating our own shit pies!


The spiral is disarming, first go the hands

Then the feet, then the skin of your ribs

The blood stays in place somehow as you

Spin, you start to think of you sins and 

Your family and next of kin, the thought

To escape is trapped in your throat and

Your Adam’s apple grows three sizes 

More and you start to suffocate with

The air all around you, you wake up

As you suddenly sit up in your bed

Naked and yet covered in blankets,

Surrounded by pillows, you throw

Everything off and your are sand-

Winched in cold on one side, heat

On the other and yet you immediately 

Somehow, miraculous I know, are

Smiling in both utter disbelief and

Belief that somehow, by the grace

Of your strengths, yo will rise up

Again, like the heron you are,nwings

Spread out wide, you right hand

Hits that ping pong ball and it

Crosses smoothly over the net

That only you see in your mind’s

Eyes, wondering if you will ever

See it again,nas shot out of a circus

Cannon as you are the man flying

No parachute at hand, you rely on

Your feet to grow big fat frog’s

Padded feet and connected toes

To buffer you landing, if that is

Meant to be , to make a solid

Sound landing like in the gymnastics

Of Winter Olympics, you really

Are a star, you just don’t stop ever

To see it, and yet you comfort give

To so many, your example to others

Is the stuff of your stronger community

You add your stamp and voice to the

Din, together with others you take a

Practiced spin and add good to your

Sins, you are the man, you are the

One that helps to keep things together 

Neither Saint or demon, a bit of both.

Funny how you manage to compose this
While soaking almost at midnight warm
And wet and relaxed in the comfort so
Naked ,n X posed, in your night bath!

You do the math, you walk the path
Be sure and follow it at times
And otherwise kiss it’s ass and
Take to the highways of all your
Feelings, sentiments, memories and
Unanswered, unformed yearnings
That will always mean so much more than
All your life’s total hard earnings!

At that stage, in the scope of that age, looking quickly to tap on this page, lest I quickly forget that which Popped into my head, and often as quickly OUT

 SO: a kind of war with words actualized in my thoughts

As quickly actualized  as they  slip and slide, like wild

Salmon caught by wild bears in the streams and rivers

They madly so single-mindedly swim up them to spawn,

My tapping here on either iPhone or iPad is much the

Same, slippery to my fingers, the letters and numbers

On these two devices are acting much in the same way

I have to be careful, use my eagle’s eyes to center TAP

Them or incur the wrath of letters besides them creating 

New words like  “ rthose “ instead of those, and words

That are vulgar or nonsensical or embarrassing and so

Wrong! So attention to my work, trying not to lose my

Quick, rapid trains of thought that are really so spontaneous,

So determined by my thought processes and my being in tune

With each moment,  “ myvstringing “ , my stringing together

The energies of thought and word and phrase and meaning

“ Associations,nthat “ Associations , that “give me no time to 

pause or correct, and very often, my though is lost forever be-

Cause it was so immediate, so visceral, so “ brainal “ ,  like 

This word I just made-up, and that might not reoccur to me

Ever again, that, being watchful and as aware and as careful

As possible, I like the wild bear or will eagle will capture

And later release these delightful wild salmon to decipher,

Mind - digest, regurgitate for me and my children, much

Like sparrows and robins that catch their words and feed

Them to their ravenous children! So I stop now and perhaps

Later like hobos jump back onto this train, like in the movie

“ Fried Green Tomatoes “, and toss the food in cans down

To those starving people living on the tracks of the train

Less fortunate than others, May my words act like these

Cans and feed these peops so starved for education and learning!

That’s enough! I have had enough of your meanderings! Walking our did, has to scout everything out, anything that moves , anything that sounds, I , in the meantime look for fallen logs, branches, twigs to burn, thinking of the cold, is it too cold, too water, just right to start a fire!?!then it’s time to move on, to e Togo see the French movie “ Driving Madeleine “! 1/31/2024 Wednesday, senior day at cinema Arts!

 Invisible under the radar seemingly safe

Free until you do or say that which that

Which puts you under the spotlight by

Those that take it upon themselves

Both to make the laws and use them

To get away with murder and more

As they choose whimsically to both

Suit them and their construed visions 

Of what should be and never ever

Questioned or disobeyed under

Punishment of death or indenture

Odious ruinous vile inhumane

Living that is so painful you

Become as invisible both go

Yourselves and others and so

Cease to exist or matter in

Total desolation and ruin

6:37AM in the darkness and now manageable warmth, woke up heavy suffocating my feet sheets and had to throw them, feet push them down and off , naked as I was born, I was still warm enough

 My comfort supremely on my mind then as I

Had to let my feet breathe more freely, crushed

As they were, the weight, the heat were suffocating 

Them and I woke up from the heavy covering

And not needing to pee! It was not pressing me,

I smiled for the first time in relief as so often

It is more pressing for me to pee than the pressure

Of too much imbalance covering my nakedness

In bed under blankets and sheets! So these so

Deliciously delightful treats make me happy as

I ponder this upcoming week and what we will

Do to celebrate our upcoming 43 years of being

Married and marking this wondrous occasion

And feat that is remarkable in our love and

Our incredible harmony and friendship and

Living so comfortably working as one and

Yet very much being ourselves while respecting

Each other, saying what we must but not 

Arguing and fighting very often to keep our

Incredible harmony out of harm’s way as so

Often that invisible line is crossed, peaceful

Togetherness then dashed, mashed gone!

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Pondering always the quality, or not, of my work, I do it, I get into a swing, I swing along with it, then , look back, reflect, think and feel I could have done better, different!?? I want to write my greatest song ever here now, the lyrics at least inside this beast that I feast that is me for certain, at least!


Deliberate, eradication, sublimation, rendering unrecognizable

I am back to seeing the movie Origins, I stray, I wander, I am

Sooooo ME that I may, I might, I must, I move from mire more

I realize that my premise is not only mine, Bob Dylan only re-

Corded  a song once, if it did not work that once well that was it!

Move on he would say and practice what he believed. I feel very

Much the same, the ride and hop onto that first fleeting senSAYtion 

Is where IT is AT, one chance, so, make it talk, whisper, sing chant!

Otherwise realize you took a shot, the one you took, perhaps not

Your best, but you tried to ride the wind and waves and wonders of

So much unleashed energies inside yourselves to capture your very

Own impressions that impressed so deeply though fleeting on/in/upon


On my chest the beat ticks along, the ribs shelter my thumps

My spine holds me steady and I stroke twelve times my 

Awakened dreams to be opened to inspection and suggestions!

The ball for soccer thrust it on the sands of the Copacabana 

Pele was practicing the challenges of moving down those

Grains pounded to such tiny granular from years of being

Kicked around in the oceans, they now supported both

His feet and that of his friends playing soccer there as if

Their lives depended on it, and bloody heart pumping it

Surely did and their chances of success such shots crazy

As their feet made contact with the ball and went in such

Powerful shots like flying bullets direct to their concealed

Targets, invisible to most, felt by these young hearts and

Connected by their feet, to move around a soccer ball on

Sand is no small feat! They would practice, the ball some-

Times would stop there right by our feet and we would

Do our parts and it return to sender before there would

By chance unlikely as when driving contact be powerfully 

Made, and that collision much the same as driving result

In the undesirable contact and crash of two, a fender- bender!

I was more interested in swimming. In the ocean and with

What’re throw it onto bare backs of s suntanning women to 

watch them with surprise, shock and the anger zit up for the 

whole world exposed to reveal their bare girls titillate us

All, if only for so,it seconds, our eyes to snap mental

Pictures of such wonderful delights angelic female

Pantry’s usually under cover and us only imagining!

And on this kick of that soccer ball along the white

Sands i bring this youthful true tale t.o an end my friend!

Not my best effort but a piece of the puzzle I am seeing

Once again and dreaming out loud, fully awake tonight

Dripping and here  as I lay on my back in my own sweat

Taking. my nightly bath to memories of such richness

I dare not them ever forget, there with me to my last 

Breathe, i am  fortunate it is not killing me that meth!

I derive my imagination and grow it from Nature ,

No use, no time, no desire to topple with drugs my

Own magical, whimsical, wandering conjurings!

The crystallization of a life world injustice caste in that should undeniably NOW Zow BowPow Out BLOWOUT


NEVER BE again, banished toute suite forever!

No more castes Ma Pa Mr White Self-Entitled Asshole Man

You are a dying power , you have begun to sour, you are a

Dying breed that, we feel, I for sure want you to feel, the

Brutal desperation of being forever locked-up in prison to

Be constantly raped, pillaged, pocked and plucked and

Fukked UP and DOWN and destroyed by one another

Establishing , in this bubble of hate, desperation, envy,

Fear, nakedness, shorn of all your hair, made to clean

Your own shit with your bare hands, to stew, to be

Forgotten for the most part, perhaps paraded outside in

Cabs for all children to see that if they dare to try and

Caste anyone at all, except out of existence, that any

Caste , as in casteing will ever be tolerated ever again!

Fukk OFF you slime degenerate sick corrupted few men

And I use that term men because you are examples of what

None of the rest of our good men as what to avoid at ALL

Costs as to cast us ever again as those few that has already 

Caste such a horrible stain and damage must be condemned

Instantly to permanent and total, complete, justifiable DEATH!

Been percolating a whole lot recently, my cup my Conmigo, my iron Bialetti Mocca Express and that which brews repeatedly in various. Anifestation there along with my coffee and so much more till just now watching Prigins at the Cinema Arts theater oh my goodness gracious how horrible we white men have been with our devious CASTEsystematic enslaving, dehumanizing of certain people in the United States, Germany,nSoith Sfricam India,nAustralia and everywher

I meant to type manifestations above, not anifestations, tribulations and tribealations, let’s unite all our tribes, make the world a better place!

Read on … 1/30/2024 Tuesday after seeing the movie origins, the most important movie so far to me and my life that I have ever seen! Tony

 Criminal degrees of separation, inhumane wrongful

Fully awareness of divisions created by those few

White men afraid of their own shadows, the untouch-

Able light skin colored shades of whiteness that brute

Meannesses deplorable the lowest denomination of

Men, lower than those they called untouchables, they,

Too becoming themselves untouchable in their rigged,

Systematic, brutal use still today of their animalness 

Filled with hate and blindness for control, for power,

But to what end? To erase a large part of us humans

Making so many of us invisible and powerless to move

Along, be ourselves, be happy, healthy, prosperous,

Making us feel worthless and unworthy of life’s grand

Pleasures and treasures, simple joys in every living

Moment, not scared for our lives and would we make it

To sleep and awakening the n cat more, or would some

Vigilante take it upon themselves to feel righteous in

So quickly snuffing out our lives , wrapped in evangelical

Misuse of the various religions, and using the names of

Jesus and Christ to sanction and applaud their brute, savage

Unmistakable policing in their own sick minds through

Hands that should know better, that we are all born and

Are equal, no different from the other, just cast wrongfully

Into neat castes of six different peops, claiming one so superior 

to the other in visible , learned patterns of both hate and privilege

That they claim through signs and repetitions to be their sole

Moral imperatives to separate us from them all the while

Their use of force justified in the guns and noses and beatings

As okay by their religions as each of these few must do what

They must to never relinquish power, property, money, food

As they’re greedy, bullying, ridiculing others  sworn born rights!

I denounce these infidels and would see them succumb to much 

Of the inhumane tactics and measures they thrust upon others

That, it seems, are still practiced today on those they have chosen

Those, too hungry, too naked and cold, too worn, too uneducated

To fight for themselves and those others like them relegated so

Unjustly to become untouchables, unhumanables, unworthyables 

Unseeables, unlivables, unteachables, undeniably so taintably 

WRONG, end of song, sermon, mission, chapter, story CASTE!

My compulsion to write from the composts I have made of so much of the many fragments and fractured, ripped, worn, stripped and torn, tripped and stormed, tempestuous tempered tempering tampering, many sole pampering, too, flight and delights of fanciful costumed spirit forces free from deep side of me!

My eyes have seen you - line I have often used, stolen from the Doors!

 I am a vesicle vessel vehicle varicose, too, veined drained , arteries 

aglow Aglow a-glad a-glee on a buying spree the old fashioned way

I fashion my own way, the manner and the mystery, might, magic of

My very own sway way away WAY! I am an exhibitionist, I I flaunt

My myself, daunt others, too, perhaps, of that I knowing , have no

Way of actually knowing as so few if any of them there that our lives

Do cross give any indication at all if my sway my tray my display at

Play on night or day, sunset or sunrise , in any way in the least or

The most effect affect direct them in any way to themselves from stray 

Like cats lost that I might border, might offer some form of shelter

Or sanctuary to as we are all equal in our quests to be our bests our

Most fruited and fired, vegetable-lovers, each other - ourselves lovers

Over and under, both, of our covers that harbor such secrets we do not

Even often reveal to ourselves, much less others, much more reveals

Are always in order of sudden disruptions, flailed flared temples and

Turned upside down, tumbled, rumbled manors our manners so unglued

Exploding X posed Deep darknesses dormancies of selves uncovered

Perhaps even in parts recovered, rediscovered, portioned , passed around

I hear them coming out to prance, preen, dance, romance and keen BE!

Saturday, January 13, 2024

I am healing slowly from my operation bro fix the hole in my left eye retina and I hope doing what I have to be doing to get the positive results I need!

 Cheers, getting great help from my wife to make it all really so much better as I heal nicely and quickly I hope! Here is how I look so far!