Thursday, December 18, 2014

Talking About Peter Robinson Our Local FABulous PIanist Here In Washington D.C. That Is Currently Playing @ The Jefferson Hotel: Go Listen To Him PLay The Piano While You Enjoy A Fine Meal, Too!

Peter loves wine, here Brunello in various vintages and hues, and he loves French southern Rhône Gigondas, too!

Where are you playing piano now Peter? Cheers my friend, Tony

Story follows after pictures ... read on.

Peter Robinson a fine, FINE, super-fine pianist is playing at the Jefferson Hotel these days, has been there for 5 days now! How do I know all of this? WEll Peter's daughter came in search of port, in particular the NOVAL Tawny that was written up and recommended in the Washington Post Food section this week, $18.99 that we were listed as carrying. When I found out she was Peter's daughter I flipped : " Peter Robinson the pianist?!? " I smiled and we were off talking about 2o-year old tawny ports , too like the " Quinta do Bom Retiro " 20-year from RAMOS PINTO, $75.99 a bottle. Then we spoke about the 10-year old tawny ports like the gift-set of the CALEM with the free glass, $36.49, and the BARROS 10-year old tawny, $27.99 : all three are excellent Portuguese port houses that are lesser-known here in the United States because they were not bought by the British. They represent fine quality and fine value, too. WE are happy to have all three. I explained all of them in detail to Peter's daughter while he drove and looked for parking to join us. She called Peter and explained and when she got off the phone I asked her what Peter had decided? He wanted two bottles of the NOVAL Tawny port, $18.99 because it represented such good value! I went out to say hello to Pater. He had a big, broad smile on his face and said immediately : " I follow your weekly email and enjoy reading it always. " I have known Peter since the early Mayflower Wine And Spirits' days way back when in the 80's. He started with me years ago loving the dry red burgundies from the Mercury region in the Chalonaise region for it's quality and value ... cheers, happy holidays and Happy New Year 2015 .... TONY 12/18/2014 Go hear Peter play the piano at the Jefferson Hotel, he's the best, really superb piano player and entertainer that has recorded and honed his craft the best way , by playing for years!

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