Thursday, January 9, 2014

Michael Robinson. Local Amateur Photographer Living In Cleveland Park Northwest, 20008 D.C. Gives Anthony Quinn @ Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits His Third Calendar Of Pictures He Took, These In Color For First Time , Taken In D.C., France & Italy : Beautiful Michael, Thanks, Merci, Grazie!

Our local Winebow rep Jody Jackman was here yesterday to taste me on the LIDIO CARRARO Brazilian wines of Serra Gaucha and she saw Michael Robinson walk in and immediately smiled and started gushing and saying she needed his email address and how much she loved using this same calendar that he gave her a copy of just like he gave me here at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits! I liked that, made me smile, made Michael smile , too yesterday afternoon here on Wednesday, July 9th, 2014 ... cheers Jody and Michael ... always good to see you both ... makes my day ...   TONY

Already starting to fill up, telling the Michael Robinson story, one picture at a time Michael, the colors, the compositions, the places in time, Italy, France, Washington D.C. ... did you include a Cleveland Park photo? I will have to look again? Cheers, thanks for sharing and adding to our lives ... good neighbors are so important ... happy Thursday, still under the freezing mark here this morning, the sun's beautiful and I like seeing it cover things outside as I look out our window now. And, as Jerry another of our customers responded to me last night in the store about the cold : " Ugh, it's okay, as long as you stay in the sun . " Yes, Jerry, the sun is primo and whether it really warms us or not it is psychologically essential. Cheers to you both : have a great Thursday and come on by. Micheal, don't forget the Marselan red, $13.99 from southern France next time, and Jerry you have to give us an update on how the 2011 SEGRIES Cotes-Du-Rhone is drinking. By your very own definition these 2011 may be too old as you like your wines young! TONY 1/9/14

This is so coincidental that as we were tasting some " old " and some " new " wines with Jim Reeves ( pictured here on my left ) of Comete Wine Selections, Oscar Losama of Voila Wine Selections, and Regis Scheithauer of Roanoke Imports that our friend, customer and local amateur photographer, Michael Robinson would walk in and see us tasting and using his gift of his calendar with his color pictures taken in France, Italy and here in Washington D.C. to sign them up for weekend wine-tasting! What are the chances?!? I only wish that I had not thought to take a picture with you Michael here. We will do it the next time you come. In the meantime enjoy this picture of February I believe with Michael's picture of Paris' Place de la Concorde and the fountain! Jim and I are holding bottles of the Bourgogne Rouge 2012 dry red from the DOMAINE BALLORIN & F that's organic, along with the great vintage of 2009 Marsannay rouge from BALLORIN & F ( he must have a daughter and not a son, bravo! ) : BOTH were amazing, fruit-forward, balanced and delights to enjoy now. The Marsannay will be On Special fop $22.99 a bottle - regularly $39.99 a bottle, ... and the CLOTHILDE DAVENNE Chablis 2012 that was razor-sharp-brisk-bright-fruid and frisky DRY, brrrrr, loverly, really loveLOVEloverly! Really classic red and white burgundies, a real treat for us. Cheers, thanks Jim and Michael, merci a vous deux. here I am at home and enjoying both as I type and share this. Enjoyed them both earlier with my wife homemade vegetable soup and a grilled Swiss cheese sandwich : so  comforting, so very right! Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn  Thursday night now in northern Virginia at 8:37PM, just before the show : Millionaire Matchmaker " with Patty that my daughter, son and wife love! I LOVE my French burgundies here, and the three of them, I am not so sure about Patty or her show. Oh well, always room for growth and improvement!  TONY

Michael ( Robinson ), it's  nice when things fall so nicely into place as they did yesterday Michael. See you soon. We have Chris Bartha coming to taste a selection of his fine wines which includes a great Petit Chablis white Burgundy this evening under $20 a bottle that has extra grip and grit and power to sustain even the harder blows of this cold and the sharp stabs of wet, piercing rain, too of this morning at least on a gray Friday as we start to dream of our weekends. LOVE your calendar and your photos, maybe we can have you come in and talk about them as we taste our wines? Bring some to show, art and culture and food and wine and good people and all?!? Winning combos for me ...  1/10/14 ...   Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn   

To my photographer friends that shop here at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits : Ralph , Karen, Paul, Michael : I was blown away quite literally a few minutes ago crossing from Virginia into Washington D.C. to come to work going over the Teddy Roosevelt Bridge that was like passing through a thick vail of fog and drizzle that covered everything, like a shroud, like gossamer, so many transparent " mille feuilles " to gently conceal and airily mask so much that our eyes would normally be greeted with! I loved it. I wish that I had had my camera with me. Please go there and cross the bridge and snap away and then post here and share your photos : how wonderful that would be. It was such an unexpected treat for once to see so little, perhaps only a third of what we would normally see. Like in a dream, a lovely, mysterious dream, to concentrate on less and perhaps to come away with more of the true essence of that space and view from over the Potomac River looking at all our national monuments and the Kennedy Center, the Vietnam Memorial, The Washington Monument, The Jefferson memorial, The Capitol, the Albert Einstein Center, the State Department and some of the Navy Yards, and so very much more. I missed my favorite this time, too : what I call the miniature living green-to-yellow-to-orange-to-brown, from small-to-mid-to-tall ivy and vine Washington-Potomac-River-Living-Monument that is probably pretty quiet and sad now with no leaves as it slumbers . Cheers, all, Happy Saturday, Happy Weekend! You've earned it, enjoy it! Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn 1/11/14

" The only reason I'm on Facebook is because of you! " Dan proudly said with a bright smile to me when he greeted me here by the Italian wines last night. He said that he did not like Facebook but since his visit for our Part Two BUBBLY Tasting of 21 sparkling wines and French champagnes of Monday night, December 30th, 2013 he decided to LIKE us on Facebook and see what we were up to here on a daily basis. Thanks Dan, we appreciate that, we really do. It was great to see you last night here again. When you came on the 30th of December you liked the Champagne DUMANGIN and had a half-bottle of the NV Brut dry rose that you bought, $29.99 as well as another one or two which I cannot remember now. Oh well, too much to keep track of. On that night you and Jane and Michael our local amateur photographer all had lengthy conversations here. As a matter of fact Michael wanted to know Jane's name as he and she both shop here and taste often together at our tasting table. Cheers Dan, Jane and Michael! Come TODAY and taste with John and Theresa Morrison " new " arrivals from South Africa from 2-6PM! Cheers,  Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn 1/11/14

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