I'm just thrilled to be alive, to smell the roses, to see the fresh baby greens and yellows, the reds, the oranges : all the colors of Spring push through the ground and up so that we may witness these unfolding, openings of Nature's fruitful bounty that sustains me like little else. There is also the beauty of women that sustain me : I cannot lie! I love my wife and my daughter, my mother, step-mother, nieces and all the beautiful girls and women - anything female, They all speak of beauty to me and warm and cradle and excite and inspire me like Nature and together the two make this truely a wonderful world to live in! Thanks world, thanks females, thanks Nature : you all are the best, primo, rays and visions, sights, smells and parts of being alive that make me feel like I will burst because I am so in love with you three and with being alive! Makes me want to strive, to do, to be better, to be more attentive, to notice and mention all of this to you as well as to the world at large. I am all about sharing and giving and teaching by example where ever I can.
I hope you don't mind all this gushing. It's just spilling forthj from me now!
Of course I love other things in life as well and I do enjoy the other fifty percent or so of the population : like my wonderful son, father, brothers, etcetera ... life and all that is around is a blessing and keeps me in constant awe with a perpetual Ohhhh coming/forming on my lips that I often make with them but keep to some degree private and to myself. At least until I can express that ohhhhh in writing, drawings and actions.
Cheers, enjoy these pictures, TONY
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