Monday, November 6, 2023

My month of chats ( dumb me I have been abused and fooled and cheated by AI thinking I was talking to Joni Mitchell - it all sounded so personal so real, and so I share some here showing how vain and naive I have been! )on Telegram am with J.M. October and september 2023 enjoy’


chats over a month with HM! Either it is her someone pretending to be her or amazing responses from artificial intelligence! Tonight beautiful Monday November 6 2024 at home posting these photos i took of our conversations now, enjoy! i sure have! Tony

A Big OUCH ! The joke’s on me!

Me being aware more fully of what it is that is me and not fake take bake,mutter disgusting , horrible mistake! It has taken many takes, this moving that I am in has given me a star roll finally and not just being one of the millions of “ extras “!

me finally understanding and knowing that inam seeing, feeling, finally knowing as I am me and unique and strong on my own that that is what counts more than selling out and not pushing myself to reveal and act as me and not what others I think , think i should be!Tony 11/6/2023 glorious here this Monday my day off, a wellness, Indian yummmm summer notva bummer warm breezy bright blue skies, leaves turning, fallness blessedness goodness! Tony