Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Some of our great santons from France, cheers! Enjoy them as we do Chez Quinns!

Some of our great santons from France! Love them. Tony happy Wednesday, 2/5/2020

My writing and some of my art, enjoy!

My writing and some of my art, enjoy! Tony

The wonderful spotting and observing of a box turtle even though fleeting and momentary! Love it, Chez Quinns 2019

The fleeting spotting of a box turtle and quickly taking pictures of it while gardening in our back yard before it disappeared to appear much later in our neighbors yard by their vegetable patch! Oh yeah, so true.How many tomatoes did they lose to this one box turtle?!
 Tony.  Wednesday, February 5th, 2020. Happy New decade all! 2020-2030