We love the CATOCTIN POPCORN CO. ( Bryan F. Casey, bryan@catoctinpopcorn.com 7311 Grove Road, Suite A-1, Frederick, MD 21704 301-682-4000 800-682-6820 / fax : 301-620-9634 www.catoctinPopcorn.com ) because we always derive a lot of pleasure from the kettle corn that we get there either before or after we see my mom.
As I said earlier before I found this card that Lindsay really got the ball rolling as she sat and watched the kettle corn popping inches away. She engaged me in conversation : this always catches me off my guard as I am usually the one to do this. I had already spoken a bit with Marc, then Luke and then Lindsay. I think that they look great in the last picture here. I hope they like it. Cheers ... and do read on ... and if you are ever up that way make it a point to atop and sample some of this delicious kettle corn.
On this occasion I had my CANON Power Shot SD 790 IS Digital ELPH and so I took full advantage of this photo-op. The the young men did not mind my taking the pictures and their friend Lindsay was quite willing to inititiate conversation : something I appreciate. And from her asking me about the drive, the traffic and where we were from. The rest is history that I will relate here time-given ... very soon I hope.
Enjoy these now ...
Enjoy these photos for now. I will fill in names and more details a bit later. Cheers, the kettle corn sure was delicious. We enjoyed some of what you see being made here in these photos minutes later on our drive back to northern Virginia from Martinsburg, West Virginia where we enjoyed a family reunion and luncheon meal at KOBE Japanese Steak House. Wonderful, all of it. TONY